
TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2024
Rika Jean-Francois, Commissioner ITB Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2023
Prof. Dr. Harald Zeiss, Harz University of Applied Sciences

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2022
Rika Jean-Francois, Commissioner ITB Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2021
Antje Monshausen, Tourism Watch – Bread for the World

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2020 (planed)
Dr. Mathias John, Member of the Board, Amnesty International Deutschland e. V.

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2019
Dr. Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Sustainable Development, Science, German UNESCO Commision

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 2018
Prof. Dr. Verena Metze-Mangold, President of the German Commission for UNESCO

TO DO Award Human Rights in Tourism 17
Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Commissionar of the Federal Government for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid