TO DO Award 2011 Addiopizzo Travel, Italy
Describing what ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL does as »overcoming obstacles« would mean playing it down. What ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL achieves and offers is nothing less than education and reflection on the Mafia structures in Sicily. As a tourism branch of the ADDIOPIZZO movement founded in 2004 (»Goodbye pizzo«), ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL works to support those restaurants, hotels, lodges and agricultural businesses that refuse to pay the Mafia for »protection«. According to the slogan of a poster campaign conducted in 2004, which led to the foundation of ADDIOPIZZO, »A population that pays pizzo [protection money] is a population without dignity.« In the meantime, about 6,000 citizens of Palermo had the courage to declare publicly that they prefer to buy from shops that don’t pay for protection. About 800 (certified) businesses, workmen and craftsmen, restaurants and hotels use the ADDIOPIZZO label to show that they are taking a stand. In their own map, ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL shows Italian and foreign visitors to Palermo how to find these »pizzo-free« businesses. Visitors who would like to do so may of course book guided tours and excursion programmes in Palermo and surroundings with ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL for a day or more. This includes a visit to the infamous Cosa Nostra place Corleone including the documentation centre on »Mafia – Antimafia«. Besides, the ADDIOPIZZO TRAVEL network also includes agro-tourism enterprises which operate on farms confiscated from convicted Mafiosi and not only offer accommodation but also excellent food.
Addiopizzo Travel by Addiopizzo Community
Via Lazio 7, I – 90040 Capaci (Palermo)
Phone: +39 380 1544 995
Contact in Germany:
Tel.: +49 30 3471 2101